Episode 140: Astro Invader (redux) and Astro Fighter

Rumor has it that episode 141 has been released. Well, we’re here to completely dispel that rumor: it’s actually episode 140 that’s been released. But not even a party band outside of Pie Factory Podcast’s south headquarters could prevent Jimmy G from bringing you all the important news about a couple of 40-something-year-old video games, with the somewhat undying help of his cohost Sean. It’s all about dedication, friends.

One thought on “Episode 140: Astro Invader (redux) and Astro Fighter”

  1. Thank you guys!! Great episode!! These have been two of my favorite games since their debut in the early 80s. Astro Invader I first saw at the Future World Arcade in North Ridgeville, OH. Instantly fell in love with it.

    Astro Fighter I first played at a local taco chain called ‘Taco Flats’ that had all of 2 locations. The suburban one in Parma Hts OH always had 3 cocktail table games. Atari Asteroids and the Taito version of Space Invaders Part II (Deluxe) were there from beginning to end, and were huge money makers. The third machine would always get rotated out as it could never make anywhere close to the money the other two did.

    The location in Cleveland had upright machines, and was in a lot bigger of a building. That is where I played Astro Fighter. Something about the game I just instantly fell in love with. It still to this day is my favorite game as far as sound goes, as while it IS basic, something about those high notes it hits when you fire is mesmerizing for lack of a better word. After 1985 or so, I never thought I would ever see these two ever again. Thank you to the MAME team, they will now live forever.



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